Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Guest Bath Remodel

I moved into my home over a year and a half ago. There was still is a lot that need to be done on our home and I was six months pregnant at the time. The first project I was willing to take on in my state was the guest bath. I thought it was going to be a breeze! Of course like all remodels it's never as easy as you plan. The project started by taking off the wallpaper. (Sorry I was not blogging a this time so I don't have many pics to share.)

If I could only explain the horror of taking down this
wallpaper! The lovely home owners before us thought
it was a good idea to use the most annoying technique 
to put up the wallpaper. They would tear the wallpaper 
up into little pieces and paste it to the wall with super glue. Ok well maybe not super glue, but it sure felt that way! It's a pretty small bathroom and it took my husband and I three days to take it down! 

The only picture I have of the wallpaper before we finished it. You can see how happy Dave is pulling down one piece of wallpaper down at a time.

After the wallpaper was down it was time to work on the 
cabinets. Well this also became a hard project. It should have taking 2 days it took 2 WEEKS! You might be thinking why? Well I wanted a really dark wood look. So I got a dark wood stain and after a day and a half of sanding. Dave put the first coat of stain, then a second, then a third it was no where near the color I wanted. It was way to light. So let's try this again! Sanded back down to bare wood and tried a new stain. We applied 3 coats and still not the right color. So we are going to try one last time before we where just going to paint the cabinets. We got a stain with polyurethane in it. This did the trick! We did 3 coats and finally got the look I wanted!

Here's the Cabinets Before

And Here is the After

This is the finished bathroom with the new granite countertop

Inside the cabinets

I'm not a big fan of circle hand towel holders so 
I used a toilet paper holder instead and I love the way it looks!

I'm really thrilled with the way it turned out!
Now it's time to move onto the Master Bath!
It should only take 2 days! Right?


Whoo's Turning One

My little one just turned ONE! It was hard for me to think of a fun theme for my daughter. I mean what does she like? Well hmmm.... flashing lights, clean diapers, wheels, and my iPhone of course none of these would have made for a very fun 1st birthday party. So after many nights trying to come up with a theme for her 1st birthday, I decided to go with my favorite pair of P.J.s that she sleeps in! That's it.... Owls! So from there started my quest for having a party for Bailey and friends!  

The Invite  

Happy Birthday Bailey!


Let Them Eat Cake!

The Patio

Loving her owl dress!

The party was a blast! I could not have asked for a better weather! So now it's time to start planning for next year. ;)